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Ziegler Z and Bamber JL2023Pygoda: A graphical interface to efficiently visualise and explore large sets of geolocated time series
EarthArXiv (preprint)Zenodo
Vu, Zammit-Mangion and Chuter2023Constructing Large Nonstationary Spatio-Temporal Covariance Models via Compositional Warpings
Spatial Statistics
Li T, Dawson GJ, Chuter SJ and Bamber JL2023Grounding line retreat and tide-modulated ocean channels at Moscow University and Totten Glacier ice shelves, East Antarctica
The Cryospheredata.bris
Abele A, Royston S and Bamber JL2023The Impact of Altimetry Corrections of Sentinel-3A Sea Surface Height in the Coastal Zone of the Northwest Atlantic
Remote Sensing
Rougier J, Brady A, Bamber JL, Chuter S, Royston S, Vishwakarma BD, Westaway RM and Ziegler Y2022The scope of the Kalman filter for spatio-temporal applications in environmental science
Bamber JL, Oppenheimer M, Kopp RE, Aspinall WP and Cooke R2022Ice sheet and climate processes driving the uncertainty in projections of future sea level rise: Findings from a structured expert judgement approach
Earth's Futuredata.bris
Ziegler Y, Vishwakarma BD, Brady A, Chuter S, Royston S, Westaway RM and Bamber JL2022Can GPS and GRACE data be used to separate past and present-day surface loading in a data-driven approach?
Geophysical Journal International
Vishwakarma BD, Ziegler Y, Bamber JL and Royston S2022Separating GIA signal from surface mass change using GPS and GRACE data
Geophysical Journal International
Grinsted A, Bamber JL, Bingham R, Buzzard S, Nias I, Ng K and Weeks J2022The Transient Sea Level response to external forcing in CMIP6 models
Earth's Futuregithub
Vishwakarma BD, Ramsankaran R, Azam MF, Bolch T, Mandal A, Srivastava S, Kumar P, Sahu R, Navinkumar PJ, Tanniru SR, Javed A, Soheb M, Dimri AP, Yadav M, Devaraju B, Chinnasamy P, Reddy MJ, Murugesan GP, Arora M, Jain SK, Ojha CSP, Harrison S and Bamber JL2022Challenges in Understanding the Variability of the Cryosphere in the Himalaya and Its Impact on Regional Water Resources
Frontiers in Water
Li T, Dawson GJ, Chuter SJ and Bamber JL2022A high-resolution Antarctic grounding zone product from ICESat-2 laser altimetry
Earth System Science Datadata.bris
Royston S, Bamber JL and Bingham R2022Attributing decadal climate variability in coastal sea-level trends
Ocean ScienceZenodo
Khan SA, Colgan W, Neumann TA, van den Broeke MR, Brunt KM, Noël B, Bamber JL, Hassan J and Bjørk AA2022Accelerating Ice Loss From Peripheral Glaciers in North Greenland
Geophysical Research LettersDryad
Chuter S, Zammit-Mangion A, Rougier J, Dawson G and Bamber JL2022Mass evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula over the last 2 decades from a joint Bayesian inversion
The CryosphereSupplementary info
Khan SA, Bamber JL, Rignot E, Helm V, Aschwanden A, Holland DM, van den Broeke M, King M, Noël B, Truffer M, Humbert A, Colgan W, Vijay S and Munneke PK2022Greenland mass trends from airborne and satellite altimetry during 2011-2020
JGR Earth SurfaceDryad
Westaway RM2022GC Insights: Rainbow colour maps remain widely used in the geosciences
Geoscience Communication 5, 83–86Zenodo
Lehmann F, Vishwakarma BD and Bamber JL2022How well are we able to close the water budget at the global scale?
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 35, p35–54
Vishwakarma BD, Horwath M, Groh A and Bamber JL2021Accounting for GIA signal in GRACE products
Geophysical Journal International 228 (3), 2056–2060
Vishwakarma BD, Bates P, Sneeuw N, Westaway RM and Bamber JL2020Re-assessing global water storage trends from GRACE time series
Plain Language Summary

Environmental Research Letters 16
Khan SA, Bjørk AA, Bamber JL, Morlighem M, Bevis M, Kjær KH, Mouginot J, Løkkegaard A, Holland DM, Aschwanden A, Zhang B, Helm V, Korsgaard NJ, Colgan W, Larsen NK, Liu L, Hansen K, Barletta V, Dahl-Jensen TS, Søndergaard AS, Csatho BM, Sasgen I, Box J and Schenk T2020 Centennial response of Greenland’s three largest outlet glaciers
Nature Communications 11, 5178
The Conversation
Vishwakarma BD, Royston S, Riva R, Westaway RM and Bamber JL
2020 Sea level budgets should account for ocean bottom deformation
Plain Language Summary

Geophysical Research Letters
New Scientist
Royston S, Vishwakarma BD, Westaway RM, Rougier J, Sha Z and Bamber JL2020 Can we resolve the basin-scale sea-level budget from GRACE ocean mass?
Plain Language Summary

JGR Oceans 125 e2019JC015535
Llovel W, Purkey S, Meyssignac B, Blazquez A, Kolodziejczyk N and Bamber JL2019 Global ocean freshening, ocean mass increase and global mean sea level rise over 2005–2015
Plain Language Summary

Scientific Reports 9, 17717
Hofer S, Tedstone A, Fettweis X and Bamber JL
2019 Cloud microphysics and circulation anomalies control differences in future Greenland melt
Plain Language Summary

Nature Climate Change 9, 523–528 (2019)
Western LM, Sha Z, Rigby M, Ganesan AL, Manning AJ, Stanley KM, O'Doherty SJ, Young D and Rougier J
2020 Bayesian spatiotemporal inference of trace gas emissions using an integrated nested Laplacian approximation and Gaussian Markov random fields
Geoscientific Model Development Discussion
Bamber JL, Oppenheimer M, Kopp RE, Aspinall WP and Cooke RM2019 Ice sheet contributions to future sea-level rise from structured expert judgement
Plain Language Summary

PNAS 1817205116data.bris
New Scientist
USA Today
The Conversation
Delhasse A, Kittel C, Amory C, Hofer S and Fettweis X2019Brief communication: Interest of a regional climate model against ERA5 to simulate the near-surface climate of the Greenland ice
The Cryosphere
Bhattarai N, Mallick K, Stuart J, Vishwakarma BD, Niraula R, Sen S and Jain M2019An automated multi-model evapotranspiration mapping framework using remotely sensed and reanalysis data
Remote Sensing of Environment 229 69-92
Wang F, Bamber JL, Yang S, Cheng X, Liu S, Zhang Y and Chi Y2019Accuracy assessment and waveform analysis of CryoSat-2 SARIn mode data over Antarctica
International Journal of Remote Sensing 40:22 8418-8431
Dukhovskoy DS, Yashayaev I, Proshutinsky A, Bamber JL, Bashmachnikov Ilm, Chassignet EP, Lee CM and Tedstone AJ2019Role of Greenland Freshwater Anomaly in the Recent Freshening of the Subpolar North Atlantic
JGR Oceans
Sha Z, Rougier J, Schumacher M and Bamber JL2018Bayesian model-data synthesis with an application to global Glacio-Isostatic Adjustment

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Environmetrics e2530
WCRP Global Sea Level Budget Group2018Global Sea Level Budget 1993–Present

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Earth System Science Data 10 1551–1590SEANOE
Schumacher S, King M, Rougier J, Sha Z, Khan SA and Bamber JL2018A new global GPS dataset for testing and improving modelled GIA uplift rates

Plain Language Summary

Geophysical Journal International 214(3) 2164–2176Pangaea
Bamber JL, Westaway RM, Marzeion B and Wouters B2018The land ice contribution to sea level during the satellite era

Plain Language Summary

Environmental Research Letters 13(6) 63008 Pangaea
Physics World podcast
Bamber JL, Tedstone AJ, King MD, Howat IM, Enderlin EM, van den Broeke MR and Noel B2018Land Ice Freshwater Budget of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. Part I: Data, Methods and Results

Plain Language Summary

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123(3) 1827-1837BODC
Hofer S, Tedstone AJ, Fettweis X and Bamber JL
2017 Decreasing cloud cover drives the recent mass loss on the Greenland Ice Sheet

Plain Language Summary

Science Advances 3(6) e1700584
Nature Climate Change
USA Today
Climate Central
Martín-Español A, Bamber JL and Zammit-Mangion A2017 Constraining the mass balance of East Antarctica

Geophysical Research Letters 44 p.4168–4175