4Dmodeller is a follow-on project from the ERC-funded GlobalMass grant (www.globalmass.eu) that advanced the use of space-time statistical inference to separate global sea level rise into its different sources.

We are now working to generalise this approach into a dedicated software tool, 4Dmodeller, capable of solving a wider range of large-scale, space-time (i.e. four-dimensional) problems. Such a tool has the potential to transform many disciplines, not just in Earth and environmental sciences, but also in areas such as public health and national security, and has the potential to attract huge commercial interest, for example in extreme weather risk assessment for insurance and reinsurance.

The 4Dmodeller software and a range of tutorials are available at https://4dmodeller.github.io/fdmr/.


  • Aiken JM, Jones G, Yin X, Abele AK, Woods C, Westaway RM and Bamber JL, 2025. 4DModeller: a spatio-temporal modelling package. Journal of Open Source Software, 10(106), 7047. 10.21105/joss.07047
  • Yin X, Aiken JM, Harris R and Bamber JL, 2024. A Bayesian spatio-temporal model of COVID-19 spread in England. Scientific Reports 14(10335). 10.1038/s41598-024-60964-0
  • Yin X, Aiken JM and Bamber JL, 2023. fdmr: A Comprehensive R Package for Spatio-Temporal Modelling. UC Santa Barbara: Center for Spatial Studies. 10.25436/E27C7F
  • Yin X, Aiken JM, Harris R and Bamber JL, 2023. Spatio-temporal spread of COVID-19 and its associations with socioeconomic, demographic and environmental factors in England: A Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal model. arXiv:2308.09404.
  • Aiken JM, Yin X, Royston S, Ziegler Y and Bamber JL, 2023. From Sea Level Rise to COVID-19: Extending a Bayesian Hierarchical Model to unfamiliar problems with the 4D-Modeller framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1680. 10.5281/zenodo.10132463.

Join the second Spatio-Temporal Modelling Hackathon in Bristol!

Discover the possibilities of solving complex spatio-temporal problems and advancing statistical modelling in R. Registration is now open here for a two-and-a-half-day workshop, from Monday 25th to Wednesday 27th March 2024 at the University of Bristol, to use and develop the innovative 4Dmodeller (FDMR) package. Limited funding is available for travel costs.

In the hackathon-style workshop, you’ll work closely with the FDMR development team and fellow researchers to use the package for a range of research questions, and in so doing help shape the future development of FDMR. Participants will be invited to submit their own project ideas in advance of the hackathon giving you the chance to nominate complex spatio-temporal problems associated with your own research that can be worked on collaboratively.

Workshop Details:

Date: 25-27 March 2024
Location: Bristol, UK
⚙️Domains: Any field that involves complex spatio-temporal data sets
Outcome: Development of case studies, tutorials and new research challenges in spatio-temporal modelling
Participants: ~20 researchers and experts

Visit our website 4dmodeller for more information. Let’s shape the future of spatio-temporal modelling together.

See you at the hackathon! ‍

This work is supported by UKRI grant EP/X022641/1